What oils are the healthiest?
That has become a controversial topic that is a disagreed upon often and can be confusing at times. At the end of the day too much something that its good for you can be detrimental to your health just like something that its known to be bad for you. It is important to know that fat is not the enemy, but understanding the different types of fat will help you make choices for your specific needs. Saturated fats found in red meat are arterie clogging and need to be limited by choose leaner cuts of meat etc. The fats we want to consume more of are poly and mono unsaturated fats from nuts, fish and certain oils for cooking, salad dressings etc.
There are also many uses for oils such as salad dressings, baking etc. The fun part is you can be creative and explore different culinary cuisines to expand your palette.
Below are some of the healthiest oils to add into your daily diet:
🌿 Olive oil.
🌿 Avocado oil.
🌿 Coconut oil (in moderation).
🌿 Grape seed oil.