What is a Superfood and What are Their Benefits?
The word superfood has been trending off and on for years that the list has grown very long, but what qualifies a food as a superfood?
No its not able to jump over tall building in a single bound or fly at the speed of light hahaha. The definition of a superfood is a nutrient-rich food with a supposed capacity to positively affect health. The term superfoods was coined by the food industry to help with marketing etc.
It is important to understand that not one food can or will completely change your health, rather a balanced diet of nutrient rich foods from protein, fruit and vegetable sources will give you a super diet that will reward you with a healthy life.
Below are some examples of nutrient dense foods to help support a healthy lifestyle and improved health when consumed on a regular basis:
🍀Nuts and seeds.
🍀Dark leafy greens.
🍀Green Tea.
🍀Olive oil.