Fruit Storage Tips

When it comes to storing fruit properly so that its shelf life is maximized and the flavour is ideal, there are varying tips depending on what type of fruit you are storing.

We have all had the container of strawberries or bunch of bananas that seem to go bad in a 24 hour period from the point you get it home from the store. It is important to choose fruit according to its ripeness in the store, your projected usage timeline of the fruit and if that fruit seems to have been frozen previously. All these things will greatly affect the fruits freshness and therefore your overall experience of its flavour etc.

Below are some of the tips to storing different fruits properly:

🌿Wrap banana stem in plastic wrap at room temperature.

🌿 Wash and remove leaves from strawberries, then put in a glass jar inside your fridge with a paper towel inside.

🌿 Brococoli, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage and Carrots store in the crisper of the fridge.

🌿 Avocados, Nectarines, Peaches and Pineapple store on the counter at room temperature until ripe, then place in the fridge.

🌿 Herbs stored at room temperature.

🌿 Sliced fruit in an air tight container in the crisper for up to 5 days and keep bananas separate from other fruits.


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