What are some avocado benefits?

You love the taste of them but you may be wondering what are the benefits of avocado’s?

Avocados are one of the most popular foods these days and can be used in many applications across a variety of cuisines. Whether its avocado toast, guacamole, chopped up in salads are just a few of the yummy options available for this food sometimes referred to as a fruit, a vegetable or a berry (this is the correct one btw).

The price of avocados and the quality vary a lot depending on where you live in the world. This will greatly affect your access to this very nutritious and versatile food.

Below are some of the benefits from having avocados in your weekly diet:

🌿 Highly nutritious.

🌿 Beneficial for gut health.

🌿 Helps reduce heart disease.

🌿 Provides antioxidants and inflammatory benefits.

🌿 Healthy fats for metabolism and brain function.


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